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How to Prepare for Interview in Japan

Are you a foreigner who is going to attend an interview in Japan? Here is your ultimate guide that explains everything from preparing for a job interview to wearing the right suit. So, let's get started.

How to have a Successful job interview in Japan?

It will completely depend on your preparation. You won't wake up and go for an interview without doing much. Japanese culture is structured and organized. You can't stand a chance in any company for being casual.

Discover: 8 Tips to Ace a Job Interview in Japan

So, the more you prepare, the better performance you can show on an interview. 

Your job interview is a test of your language proficiency, understanding of Japanese culture and how well you fit in the workplace. Employer will look into everything, the way you look, the way you talk, how you behave with other people, and of course how talented you are.

With less than 3 percent unemployment rate,job market is filled with opportunities. You can have your chance, only when you are as prepared as any other candidate.

How You Look ?- Prepare for Job Interview Attire in Japan

You need to look perfect. The most interesting thing about Japan is that you can buy special job-hunting suits. Every job seeker in Japan wears a black suit during job search season. So, you can join them. When you are not sure, go to the market and get what others are getting.

There was a time when recruiters were strict about dress code, they still are but as a foreigner, you can expect some leniency from them. 

Japan Interview Attire For Women

You can wear bold colors like Navy blue, dark grey, black, etc similarly like men. If you have long hair, tie them up neatly. You can wear a suit, skirt with white shirt. Many women dye their hair back to natural shade during the interview, just to set a strong impression on client.Avoid fancy hair knots and complicated hairdos.  Your shoes need to be waxed properly. It's vital that whatever cloth you wear, it should be wrinkle-free.

Japan Interview Attire for Women

Setting a sophisticated gentleman impression is a must in an interview. You will wear a tie with  dark suits. Your shoes, socks, and belt need to be the same color as your suit. Men in Japan don't have long hair, but if you have one such hairstyle, please properly tie it.  Getting a haircut before interview day seems like a good idea.

interview attire japan job interview dress


For a successful job interview in Japan, you need to keep up with timing. Japanese are quite punctual people. They don't like late comers at all. It means that you need to set it all up. Arrive 15 minutes early for an interview is a must. Reaching there on time isn't punctuality at all. According to their culture, you need to be there before time. It shows your dedication and interest for job. 

It is important that you plan your whole transport from home to office. Also expect the unexpected circumstance like train issue, storm or some other aspects. You may arrive at location 30 minutes earlier than interview but don't just go there and sit. It will show your desperation. It might distract them too, so you better be there 10 or 15 minutes earlier. 

What to Take to a Job Interview?

You need a copy of your resume/rirekisho alongside your Standard ID photo, residence card, Passport, etc. Make sure that you have a notebook and pen with you, so you can take some notes.When you are taking a photo, make sure it's a headshot with a proper suit. It will depict your professionalism.

Know: How to Make a Rirekisho or Resume

How to Enter in an Interview Room?

You will enter the room and say it loudy "Shitsurei shimasu". When you hear them say "Dozo", it's when you take an entry into the room. Don't forget to close the door in your back. After greeting your audience, you can say  shitsurei shimasu. It's important to bow a bit, but don't shake hands unless you are invited. 

japan job interview prep guide

Go to your chair and take a pause and then you can start introducing yourself. 

It is important for you to adapt your language as per your interview. For example, if he is speaking fluent English then you need to use the same language. There is no need to speak Japanese. 

However, please don't use fancy words and complicated words of English.If they don't know the meaning then they will feel embarrassed.

In the same manner, You need to speak basic language for Japanese. No matter what you have written in your Resume. If you aren't fluent, you won't be able to set any impression.

Introduce Yourself

It is the most important part of your job interview. It is known as jikoshoukai and it's the mandatory part of an interview. It's important that you need to watch some videos and follow tutorials to set an impression. From talking about your home country to sharing your professional interest, it should present a great picture of you as a Professional.

Don’t forget to read: Common interview questions in Japan for Foreigners.

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